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Strengthening the 
Character Education

Research-Action Program

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20 teachersOutstanding, recognized by the Global Teacher Prize, are being ambassadors of character development in their schools.


Improve school links,
behavior Management,
civic education, resolution
of conflicts and promote
service learning.

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Improve school links,
behavior Management,
civic education, resolution
of conflicts and promote
service learning.


Improve school links,
behavior Management,
civic education, resolution
of conflicts and promote
service learning.


Improve school links,
behavior Management,
civic education, resolution
of conflicts and promote
service learning.

Our ambassadors from Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay

Nov-Dec 2021

Selection process

Election of 20 outstanding teachers and launch of the program.

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“The program has given me the tools to do research
educational and exceeded my expectations in practice. now i'm aware
of the impact of character education.  I value the interaction with teachers
from other contexts and the possibility of collaborating".
“The program has given me the tools to do research
educational and exceeded my expectations in practice. now i'm aware
of the impact of character education.  I value the interaction with teachers
from other contexts and the possibility of collaborating".
“The program has given me the tools to do research
educational and exceeded my expectations in practice. now i'm aware
of the impact of character education.  I value the interaction with teachers
from other contexts and the possibility of collaborating".
Diana Rubio
Teacher from Mexico

This initiative is possible thanks to

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